Data Visualization
Transforming Data into Art
3D environmental data model: Elizabeth Rosenbloom, Rosen Design LLC
3D representation of relative carbon outputs for the top sources of energy in the U.S. by Elizabeth Rosenbloom
From raw data to 3D model
Data was gathered from sources like GAO, IRENA, and Statista for the most current calculations on CO2 outputs from primary energy sources in the US. Volumetric calculations were made to create these data into 3D objects.


A comparative analysis was made using 3D visual elements and real-world spatial data.

The following was modeled, described, and composed for an informational graphic:

  • The Empire State Building
  • The total output of the US as of 2021
  • Total US output as of 2021
  • Entire history of nuclear energy waste in the US
  • The average-sized home in the US

Data can



Art can

change minds

Advanced 3D Rendering and Graphics
3D Graphic Insights and Animation Products
Whether you are representing key business insights for a technical audience or creating social media content, this is the time to rethink your approach.

Your Next . . .
  • Ad
    3D graphics and insights create informative and concise ads without overwhelming a consumer with numbers and analytics.
  • Presentation
    Show - don't tell stakeholders what you mean in your next presentation. Immersive graphics can save the legwork in lengthy explanations and data analysis.
  • Groundbreaking Insight
    3D analysis and representation of data improve the likelihood of better comprehension. Dynamic vision means fewer details get lost in translation which leads to greater insight.
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